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Rims, tyres and complete wheels for Rover
Rover 200/400 Convertible

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Buy rims for your Rover:
at wheeloutlet no problem!

Your contact for rims and complete wheels: at wheeloutlet you will find the right rims for your Rover 200/25, 600, 75, MG ZR and many more. In our range you will find powerful, elegant and sporty as well as classic designs in many inch sizes. Let us show you different rims on your vehicle in our 3D configurator. We will also be happy to create complete wheels for you with suitable tires, which we will deliver ready pre-assembled and balanced to your desired address.

Need help selecting your vehicle?

Our team of customer service advisers is happy to help you if you encounter any problems!

Currently available
0049 351 / 89 570 300
Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. 01:00 p.m. - 04:00 p.m.